Friday, November 9, 2018

The Beatles 50th Anniversary White Album and Esher Demo (first glance)

I've had it confirmed. I'm still a teenager! I just received The Beatles and Esher Demos, thank you Amazon. This is the 50th Anniversary of the "White Album." I was excited to open it up and hear it for the first time. It reminded me of the first time I opened the vinyl of Sgt. Pepper's (51-years ago). Back then, I carefully opened it up and put it on my turntable. Placed the dust catcher on the platter and carefully lowered the needle to the pristine vinyl. I remember falling back on the bed (the speakers were either side of my bed) to wait the few seconds until the first note played. Things have changed, but not too much. This time, I sat at my computer desk, put the disc in the CD player, started ripping the disc while simultaneously listening to the music.

Giles Martin (George's son) has remastered the first disc. More base than I remember, but I didn't have a sub-woofer in those days. The vocals seem clearer and the left-right separation is less distinct but you still get the vocals on the left and guitar on the right in Rocky Racoon. Disc 2 uses the 2009 remaster and is identical to that release, no new stuff there.

Kevin Howlett gives some background and colour to the original recordings and the atmosphere at that time. This leads into the 3rd disc, the Esher Demos (The Beatles Unplugged). They were recorded immediately after The Beatles returned from a sojourn in India where they wrote all of these songs. Most of the recordings in the White Album are more natural, just the guys playing together, less orchestration, less production and post-production. e.g. Yer Blues was recorded in a Storeroom next to the studio. The 4 guys, no separation between the instruments, much more simple.

You get a new set of liner notes and the poster with the words on it (CD sized, not LP sized). The liner notes are great and worth reading. Lots of inside info, fun to read. If the album is 50 years old, we are 50 years older, they should have provided a magnifying glass to read the lyrics.

Some of my favourite Beatles songs are on this album: Julia (the demo and the final recording are very close, not many changes), While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Savoy Truffle. There's a lot of variety on this album, you see their personalities and how simple songs can be great, unplugged.

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